Signs of Arthritis in Pets

If your pet seems to move stiffly or has sore joints, arthritis might be the reason. This condition occurs when joints become inflamed, resulting in pain and other symptoms. Senior pets, overweight pets, certain breeds, and pets with other risk factors are more prone to arthritis.

Pet Medical Center of Westerville offers vet animal care, including arthritis treatment. Our Westerville, OH, veterinarian can determine if your pet has this condition and go over treatment options. Possible signs of arthritis in pets that you should watch for include the following. 

limping dog


Pets cannot vocalize that their joints hurt, so you’ll need to check for signs of soreness. Watch your pets as they move around. Pets with achy joints due to arthritis might limp. They might avoid weighting one leg if arthritis is more severe in one area.


Arthritis can cause stiffness in joints as cartilage deteriorates. Pets with this condition move while walking around or making other movements. Range of motion may be limited in the affected joints.

Trouble Standing Up

Pets with arthritis might have difficulty standing up, especially after lying down. Stiffness and soreness can cause problems getting up from their bed, the floor, or furniture.

Reduced Activity

The inflammation that arthritis causes can make pets unable to run around or jump. This inflammation can lead to less physical activity, such as playing fetch or running around the yard.

Behavioral Changes

Pain and other symptoms of arthritis may lead to changes in pets’ behavior. They may become more irritable, especially if you pet or touch areas where their joints are sore.

Weight Gain

Reduced physical activity and range of motion can cause pets to lose weight. Remember that gaining weight puts more pressure on their joints, making arthritic symptoms worse.


Pets who have trouble squatting or lifting a leg due to arthritis might have accidents in the house. Even pets fully house-trained might have these accidents.

Arthritis Diagnosis and Treatment

A routine exam can allow our veterinarian to determine if your pet has arthritis. Treatments for this condition range from medication and physical therapy for milder cases to surgery in more severe cases. We can discuss treatment options, from pain medication and weight control to surgery when you bring your pet in for a routine exam.

Schedule Vet Animal Care

If your pet shows any signs of arthritis, contact Pet Medical Center of Westerville, OH, to schedule an appointment with our veterinarian. We can examine your pet, make an accurate diagnosis and recommend treatment. 


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