
Pet owners often overlook the presence of worms and other parasite infestations in their animals, which can cause severe health problems. Signs of worm infestations in pets include vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight loss, bloated belly, dry coat, and visible worms in their feces. If you think your pet may have worms, Pet Medical Center of Westerville, OH, explains what to do, the treatment options available for pet deworming, and the aftercare steps necessary to help your pet recover and prevent future infestations.


Indications of Infection

Pets commonly get infected with worms and other parasites, which can cause various health issues. Signs that a pet needs deworming from a vet may include vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight loss, a bloated belly, dry coat, scooting, and visible worms or worm segments in their feces. However, some pets may not show any symptoms at all, so regular pet deworming and fecal exams are essential to ensure their overall health and prevent the spread of parasites to other pets and humans.

What to Do

If you think your pet has worms, the first step is to schedule a veterinary exam with us. Our vet may request a stool sample to check for the presence of worms or other parasites. If confirmed, we will recommend a deworming treatment appropriate for the type of parasite identified. Treatment may involve prescription medication, which can come in pill, liquid, or topical form, depending on the infestation's severity. It's essential to follow the instructions carefully so that the infestation can be cleared up entirely during the first round of treatment.

Deworming Aftercare

After deworming your pet, there are a few things you can do to help them recover and reduce the risk of re-infection. First, ensure they have access to clean water to stay hydrated. You may also want to feed them smaller, more frequent meals to avoid upsetting their stomach. 

Keeping your pet's living area clean and disinfected to prevent the spread of worms and other parasites is also crucial. Monitor your pet's behavior and bowel movements, and inform our veterinarian if you notice anything unusual. Finally, maintain a regular deworming schedule as your veterinarian recommends to prevent future infestations.

Call Our Veterinarian for an Appointment

If you suspect your pet needs deworming treatment, contact us at Pet Medical Center of Westerville, OH. We have a team that's completed tons of these procedures successfully. Get your pet on the path to a happier and healthier life by dialing our office at (614) 882-7700.


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