Pet Microchipping

Microchipping cats and dogs have become a popular action by many pet owners in recent years. Contact Pet Medical Center of Westerville if you are interested in having your pet evaluated by our vet to deem your pet a candidate for this important procedure. Here is some information about microchipping to look at so you are aware of the benefits it provides as well as a rundown of the process taken to ensure your pet is protected.

cat getting ready to be microchipped

Getting Ready To Have Your Pet Microchipped

Before your dog or cat can be microchipped, our veterinarian will need to give your pet a complete examination to ensure they are healthy enough for the procedure. During this evaluation, you will need to fill out a form where you provide us with information pertaining to your identification. This information will be uploaded into a database along with a unique number given to your pet as an identification tool. If your pet is found, a veterinarian or humane society staff member will use a special tool to scan your pet for a chip. Your identification information will then be obtained from the implanted chip.

How Microchipping Can Benefit Your Pet

Microchipping is a necessity if your pet is known to run away from home or stray away from your view at any time. If your pet has become lost in the past, microchipping it will give you the peace of mind that you have the chance of reuniting with your cat or dog if it is found. A pet that is not microchipped will not have the benefit of finding its owner quickly. Additionally, since some pets look similar in appearance, there may be a discrepancy as to who the rightful owner is of a found pet. Microchipping will take away this uncertainty.

How The Procedure Is Conducted By Our Vet

After your information is gathered and your pet receives a checkup indicating they can have the procedure done, our veterinarian will insert a chip underneath several layers of your dog or cat's skin. This is usually done between the shoulder blades so that your pet is unable to bite or scratch at the implant after it is in place. The procedure is done with a thin needle and will not cause your pet to experience pain, but rather a bit of discomfort as the implant is placed. Your pet may also have some itchiness or tenderness at the injection site until it heals completely.

Call Pet Medical Center of Westerville Today!

Give Pet Medical Center of Westerville a call to discuss microchipping with our vet or to make an appointment for an examination for your dog or call. Reach out to our veterinary team today by calling us at (614) 882-7700.


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