Pain Management

It is difficult to watch our pets suffer, especially when it feels like we cannot do anything about it. You may not understand what it can and cannot take for medication. Many pet owners will delay a visit to a veterinarian's office, hoping the pain resolves itself. Many think they are not able to take the same medications we can for pain, but they can. Opioids, NSAIDs, and even neuronal agents such as gabapentin can be taken for pain by your pet. At Pet Medical Center in Westerville, we have solutions for your pet's pain.


How to Know Your Pet is in Pain

First and foremost we should tell you to never give your pet any medication that is intended for humans. The dosage and ingredients in human medication make it very dangerous for pets. Always use medication that is intended for pets and always follow the instructions of your veterinarian and the labels on the medication.

Pets have a natural instinct to mask pain as a response to predators. They do not want to show predators they are in pain. They also know it makes you sad. At the same time, they do feel weaker, and it impacts their quality of life.

Signs and Symptoms

They may not use words to tell you they are in pain, but there are ways that you can tell.

  • More vocal than usual 
  • Quieter than usual 
  • Hiding somewhere 
  • Aggressive more than usual, particularly when touched 
  • Flat ears • Excessive licking 
  • No appetite 
  • Limping or altered gait 
  • Overall behavior changes 
  • Panting 
  • Restless

Pet Care & Pain Management

Our veterinarians at Pet Medical Center of Westerville are very sensitive to your pet's pain. There are several options that we can try to help it feel better. We can send you home with opioids, such as liquid morphine to make your pet more comfortable. Something as simple as an anti-inflammatory may help as well.

When your pet is on a pain management plan, you will notice its behavior and eating pattern may change as well. This is a possible side effect of the treatment plan. Opioids typically make pets drowsy, and they are not going to want to do much. NSAIDs and antibiotics will impact your pet’s digestion and there is a chance it may not eat as much as it did before starting the medication.

Keep track of every change your pet has before you bring it in and while it is on the treatment plan. We will make sure that your pet has everything it needs to feel comfortable while it is recovering from the illness, surgery, or injury.

Get Quality Veterinary Care in Westerville, OH

When you suspect that your pet is in pain, our team at Pet Medical Center of Westerville is here to help. Call us today at (614) 882-7700 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Nowery or Dr. Forte.


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