Pet Ear Care

Pet Ear Care

Ear care is something that pet owners shouldn't overlook! It's not unusual for pets to develop infections inside their ear, which can lead to health problems. Located in Westerville, OH, Pet Medical Center of Westerville is here to help you keep your pet's ears healthy. With regular checkups and monitoring, you can spot signs of infection right away. 

ear care

Signs of Ear Problems in Pets 

Even though your pet can't tell you when it's in distress, several symptoms may indicate an ear infection or other ear problems. These symptoms may include:

  • Excessive scratching or rubbing at the ear
  • Frequent head shaking or tilting
  • Strong odors around the ear
  • Ear discharge
  • Inflammation or redness around the ear
  • Showing physical discomfort when the ear is touched

What Causes Pet Ear Infections?

There are a number of factors that can lead to ear infections in pets. Some of the most common causes of ear infections include:

  • Moisture: Excess moisture can make ears the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. If a pet's ears stay wet after it swims or takes a bath, bacteria can spread, and it could eventually lead to an infection.
  • Ear mites: These tiny parasites live inside ears and frequently cause infections. Animals of any age can contract ear mites, but these infestations are especially common in puppies and kittens.
  • Foreign objects: When a foreign object, such as dirt or seeds, is trapped in an animal's ear canal, it can cause irritation and may eventually lead to infection. 
  • Allergies: Pets with allergies have an overactive immune system, which can lead to yeast overgrowth. This can put pets at increased risk for yeast infections.

Checking Your Pet's Ears

Examining your pet's ears on a regular basis makes it easier to catch ear infections in the early stages. While your pet is sitting or lying down, hold its head still and lift its ear flap so that you have a clear view of the ear. Pay close attention to both the color and texture of its ear canal. 

Look for signs of a problem, such as discharge, an unusual odor, a foreign object, or other signs of irritation, like redness or swelling. You may want to touch your pet's ears with a cotton swab or ball to see if it's sensitive to the touch. Bring your pet to a vet right away if you notice anything concerning. 

Get Pet Ear Care from a Veterinarian in Westerville, OH

With the help of a vet at Pet Medical Center of Westerville, you'll be able to spot ear infections quickly and save your pet from future distress. If your pet is showing signs of ear problems, make an appointment with our veterinarian immediately by calling (614) 882-7700



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